Quick Start Guide

How to use the Noonan App


You MUST upload your shot data to use Noonan's Club Recommendations


Noonan uses YOUR data from Golf Simulators / Launch Monitors to fuel its PERSONALIZED club & aim recommendations


- We recommend a MINIMUM of (10) Shots per club.

- It should take you < 1-Hour to run through your whole bag


Simulator Setup

  • Log into your account or create an account (Recommended if it’s option). This will ensure your data is saved and can be accessed later
  • If using Trackman, we recommend downloading their App and logging in with the same account
  • Go to the virtual Driving Range mode
  • Turn off Wind
  • Write down your altitude setting - e.g. Kansas City is at 1200 feet above sea level


Confirm before you move on

You MUST capture the following data points for each shot

  • Carry Distance
  • Total Distance
  • Offline (How far left/right of the target line) - also called Carry Side, Side Total, etc.


Swing Away!

  • Hit at least 10 Shots with each club
  • Helpful Tip - Don't be afraid to take breaks. Hitting 130 shots can be tiring. You can even split the data collection into (3) different sessions - Woods, Long Irons & Short Irons

 Important Reminder

Make sure to change your club selection in the simulator when you change clubs in real life. Otherwise, your shots will register for the wrong club!


Export your data

Choose the simulator you're using to get specific instructions:

Questions? We're happy to help!

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